~Nutrition Consulting ~

Our Nutrition Consulting Service covers everything from life style wellness to food “do’s and don’ts” in your personal diet.

Our programs contain invaluable information including:

  • Balancing macros (fats/carbs/proteins)

  • Adding micros (minerals & vitamins)

  • Glycemic index charts, weight loss tools, digestion methods, hydration, oxygenation and even special supplementation.

  • The latest recommendations to improve vitality, reduce fatigue and inflammation, while still enjoying great tasting foods.

What Does a Typical Nutrition Consultation Look Like?

1. Inquire:


To inquire further, click on the contact button to your right, or type your queries into the chat below.


2. The Consultation:


The consultation with your consultant (Stephen Murphy) will be 45 minutes in length. You can choose to meet in person (for Redding, CA locals only) or online


3. The Session Itself:


You can expect the following to be covered:

  • Individual Nutritional Health and Wellness Goals + Personal Needs or Health Concerns established.

  • Personal Health Profile created (information gathering)

  • Professional Nutritional Feedback given (may include: supplemental suggestions, lifestyle suggestions, food “do’s and don’ts”, dietary advice, recommended fluid intake, macro’s and micro’s)


4. Where to Next?


Look for an email follow-up in the following days, containing (but not limited to):

  • Summarised Notes from your Consultation (including next steps & recommendations)

  • Additional BONUS Supplemental Resources (charts, PDFS, helpful links & visuals)

Interested in learning more about our Nutritional Programs?