Who Are We?


Welcome, I’m glad you’ve stopped by. We are a Professional Health and Wellness Resource Center, designed to make healing as simple as possible for you, with love from our life to yours. We currently offer: Certified Nutritional Consulting, Functional Medicine Health Coaching, Deficiency Feedback, Supplemental and Health Support Programs.

Life gets busy and the first thing to go is usually our Health and Wellbeing. I understand because I’ve been there myself. My personal mission is to help lead people to personal freedom in the area of wellness: Spirit, Soul and Body. With all the information we have available to us, there must be a way to make it tangible and doable so that we can see results.

When I am with a client, I see incredible value, no matter what their age, color, creed or situation. If you’re ready for change, then you’ve come to the right place. Healing is possible!

Good health shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg and years of life. It should be spent doing things one loves.

So, make yourself at home, open the fridge, and get to know us better.

Stephen Murphy

Why I Do What I Do

“In my junior year of High School, I stumbled across a copy of “Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition”. Something about this book astounded me. I had been running in cross country and track for 8 years and this very book was teaching me how physical body’s positive and negative response to foods and supplements. A love for nutrition was birthed…

Fast forward thirteen years, I found myself in a predicament. I began experiencing intense neck/back pain and fatigue. Getting through the day grew harder as energy levels wavered and my need for sleeping through the day increased. Being an avid researcher, I dove into the books to find answers. And find them I did. Within a few short weeks, energy returned and pain left.

I decided to go back to school, educating myself in the study of Clinical Nutrition. Using the knowledge I acquired, many friends and family’s health and wellbeing improved.

Success came simply by helping people identify the root cause BEHIND a health concern, establishing action steps and directing them towards specific health professionals who could help treat & cure. Supplying people with the health tools to strategically self care worked. People saw results. Healing & reversal of several ailments took place, including; cancer, pulmonary hypertension, candida, heart issues, skin issues, etc. This further spurred me on.

I continued my education, learning the functional medicine side of health through Truly Heal Academy, then working at a Sports Therapy Clinic as a Chiropractic Assistant, working with hundreds of patients every month in a clinical setting. It was during this time that comeliveagain.com was born.”

Stephen Murphy,

CNC, Functional Medicine Health Coach, Health Researcher



Why We Care

“We believe in giving the body the best chance to heal, giving it what it always needed in the first place”

TLC, plenty of clean water and Essential Nutrients are key. The beauty of science reveals what came first. Creation. We are intelligently created beings. Our bodies thrived long before the advent of Universities, Nutritionists and Medical Professionals.

Our quest ought to be supporting the body in it’s natural process of healing. As professionals, we have the unique opportunity to partner with the divine rhythms of creation, as we allow science to reveal nutrition and wellbeing secrets, which have been hidden for us to discover”.

Our Philosophy

The Body can Heal

The body has been given the created intelligence to heal and can do so when supported properly by lifestyle, food, herbs and nutritional supplementation.

The Soul Supports

The soul is the mind, will and emotions and constantly desires peace, security and purpose. When it finds these, it is able to optimally support the bodies natural functions.

The Spirit is life

The Spirit is the Power Box to the Soul and the Body. It is where purpose and identity are found. It must be recognized, brought to life and fed daily if every other part of who we are is going to thrive.


Functional Medicine Health Coach

In January of 2020 Stephen received qualification to work as a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, through Truly Heal Academy. His Scope of training was in learning how the systems of the body operate and respond to one another as well as how they break down. He learned how to pin point and target the root cause of much of the diseases that are present in our modern 1st world cultures.

As a Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach he helps guide people through likely root causes of many of the conditions they face, helping them to understand what life style, environmental, dietary and belief system changes to be made. He helps guide them through the process of finding what practitioners, therapies, functional tests may be beneficial in their healing journey.

Certified Nutritionist Consultant

In January of 2017 Stephen Murphy Graduated From the Natural Healing Institute, a California State Licensed College out of Encinitas California. His scope of training was in clinical nutrition where he was trained how to educate and consult people about the foods they eat, how nutrients work in the body, how to boost immunity and detoxify from chemical toxins and radiation.  

As a Certified Nutritionist Consultant, Stephen makes attempts to make simple the complex world of Nutrition, Diets and Supplements. His approach is to elevate the physical quality of ones Nutritional Health in order to promote and support vitality each physical body is capable of. He walks families and individuals through the process of setting up dietary, life style and supplemental systems in order to reach optimal physical health.